Designing a Cost-Effective and Energy Efficient Boutique Hotel in Mati, Dahican

They say that in every success there is a person behind. It tries to show us how success is always supported by something somehow. So does it go with building aesthetics. A successful aesthetic hotel may be supported with great artistry of architects from CP Design and Architecture. Perhaps, you already have an existing hotel that is already up and needs an interior fit out. 

This idea may be sufficient but not good enough. A very artistic architect would need a lot of work arounds for a lot of possible problems. The support that successful aesthetic hotels do not remain alone on the hands of Davao architecture firm. It begins with the real support of a hotel building the utility framework. Here are basic building utilities that are necessary to create perfect hotel aesthetics:

Water Supply and Drainage Pipes

Pipes are taken for granted for a lot of reasons. They are very easy to install and for that reason during construction the difficult things are done first which affects the pipes to be placed in the wrong areas that makes it show off. These unconcealed pipes are big eyesores for aesthetics. 

Thus pipes for water supply, sanitary, and drainage have to be planned carefully considering that any adjustments will mean adjusting the whole establishment’s design. Unless, ofcourse, if you agree to have pipes running all over the place.

Electricity Supply

Back in the day where not a lot of people looked for wall sockets because newspapers and books suffice, power outlets are not much of a big deal in hotels. Nowadays, famous architecture in Davao region overthinks this knowing that a lot of people are tied to power outlets. Wires running around become as ugly as pipes. 

Since power supply is buried under all the cement and walls of the hotel, this has to be planned in advance as well and with consideration of future changes and remodeling. Plus, we would also consider installation of a power generator of some sort for non-stop operation in the hotel.

Fire Detection and Suppression

These systems still need both wires and pipe installation. With the same way of consideration for installation of pipes and wires the challenge of a fire suppression system would be on the well designed sprinkler system. We also have to consider how the fire alarm systems would be installed in a way that could easily be maintained and could easily detect fire. 

Mechanical System

Mechanical systems run through guest rooms as air ventilation systems. This is very important for hotels with a centralized air condition. If not it is still important to keep fungi from staying in one place to grow. 

Another mechanical system could be pumps, water filtration systems, and all these water works swimming pools need. These systems have to stay concealed as well, for they may be a hindrance to perfect aesthetics.

Auxiliary systems

Cameras for security and other technological demands of guests like internet wires, routers, and lan wall ports could be a pain as well. This is a big concern especially on multi purpose halls where spotlights, laptops, LED screens, and other things like it are installed and needed for a short period. 


The whole point of having a completely aesthetic hotel is hiding all the wires and pipes. It is noteworthy to mention all installations that need wires and pipes to consider every detail on creating a house just like any best architecture company in the Davao Region would do. 

There are many more things to conceal to show off the beauty of your hotel. To learn more about it call us now! CP Design and Architecture is always ready for service.


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